Lawn Aeration and Overseeding

Do you want a thicker greener lawn?

Aeration and overseeding are crucial components towards getting the lawn of your dreams. Northern Virginia soil has a very high clay content and tends to compact very easily. Core aeration is needed to improve the depth and extent of turf grass rooting. It also reduces thatch accumulation and minimizes its buildup. When thatch breaks down it adds needed organic material to the soil. Pro-Mow recommends this service be done in early fall to reap maximum results.

How does it work?

The process begins with lawn core aeration, a straightforward process of removing small cores of soil and grass to allow air, water, and nutrients into the root zone. The biggest benefit to aerating your lawn is to allow sufficient oxygen to reach the grass roots. Heavy soil compaction severely reduces the pore space around grass roots which limits the amount of oxygen in that region. Roots require oxygen to grow and absorb water and nutrients.

Once aeration is complete, your lawn is in optimal condition to begin seeding. Overseeding is the planting of grass seed directly into your existing lawn, without tearing up the soil. It’s an easy way to fill in bare spots, improve the thickness of your lawn, establish improved grass varieties, and enhance your lawn’s color. Over seeding is an effective way to give your lawn a boost and help it look great for years to come.

Performing a core aeration and overseeding service will rejuvenate your lawn, improve its overall health, and promote lush, thick growth. Within two weeks the plugs pulled from your lawn will break down and return to the root zone as a nutrient. That, along with a seed starter application (which is included with this service) will give the young seedlings the best chance of germinating and surviving to maturity.

Pro-Mow will prepare your lawn to ensure seed-to-soil contact and maximize germination rates using specific equipment and seed type for your lawn’s needs and conditions. We use only the best quality seeds that adhere to the highest National Seed Association standards and are well-suited for the Northern Virginia climate and soil conditions, ensuring your lawn flourishes throughout the changing seasons.  

Top benefits of performing a Core Aeration and Overseeding service include:

Aeration and Overseeding FAQ’s

A: The optimal time for aeration and overseeding in Northern Virginia is during the early fall, typically in September. The cooler temperatures and increased moisture during this period create favorable conditions for seed germination and establishment.

A: Aeration involves perforating the soil with small holes to alleviate compaction and promote better air, water, and nutrient penetration. This enhances root development, improves overall soil structure, and allows for better absorption of fertilizers.

A: Overseeding involves spreading grass seed over an existing lawn. This practice helps fill in thin or bare areas, increases turf density, introduces new grass varieties, and rejuvenates the lawn’s appearance.

A: While fall is the recommended time for aeration and overseeding in Northern Virginia, it’s possible to perform these tasks in the spring if necessary. However, fall is preferred because it allows for better establishment of grass before the stress of summer.

A: It’s advisable to mow the lawn slightly shorter than usual before aeration and overseeding. This allows the grass seed to make better contact with the soil. However, avoid scalping the lawn, as this can stress the grass.

A: Wait until the new grass reaches a height of 3 to 4 inches before mowing. Mow carefully to avoid disturbing the newly germinated seedlings.

A: Yes, applying a balanced fertilizer when overseeding can provide nutrients for the new seedlings. However, use a fertilizer with a formulation that supports seed establishment, and follow recommended application rates.

A: Keep the soil consistently moist for proper seed germination. Water deeply and regularly, avoiding heavy traffic on the lawn until the new grass is established. Follow recommended guidelines for fertilization and mowing.

A: The frequency of aeration depends on factors such as soil compaction, lawn use, and overall health. In Northern Virginia, aerating once a year, especially in the fall, is a common practice to maintain a healthy lawn.

A: Yes, aeration helps break up thatch by creating openings in the soil. Combining aeration with overseeding and proper lawn care practices can contribute to thatch reduction over time.


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