Lime Application

Primarily a soil conditioner, lime performs several important functions such as 

The primary purpose of a lime application is to adjust and balance the pH (acidity or alkalinity) of the soil. Virginia soil is naturally very acidic as most of Virginia soil is clay based. Common pH levels typically range from 4.5 to 6.2 in areas that have not had lime applied. Virginia lawns generally require a pH of 6.3 or higher to get the best results.

When lawns are weedy, patchy in spots or turn yellow, it may be a sign that the pH balance of your yard is out of whack. One of the primary methods of correcting the problem is to add lime to your lawn to restore depleted nutrients and repair the damage. Liming a neglected lawn can eventually return your grass to a beautiful, lush state.  

It’s necessary to conduct a soil test to accurately determine the pH level of your lawn. Soil tests provide specific recommendations on the amount of lime needed based on your soil’s current conditions. Applying lime without knowing the soil pH can lead to over-application, causing other nutrient imbalances. Here are some indicators that your lawn may need a lime service. 

You have sandy or clay soil:

Sandy soils tend to be well-draining but may be more acidic. Lime is often needed in sandy soils to raise the pH and make the soil less acidic. Clay soils, on the other hand, can range from acidic to alkaline. Like sandy soils, some clay soils may be acidic, requiring lime to raise the pH.  

Your grass has yellow spots:

If your lawn grass appears yellowish or shows signs of nutrient deficiencies despite regular fertilization, it could be a result of acidic soil. Lime helps neutralize acidity, making essential nutrients more available to the grass.

Your lawn has weeds or moss:

Excessive moss growth and/or many weeds in your lawn can be an indicator of acidic soil conditions. Lime helps reduce soil acidity, making it less favorable for moss and promoting healthier grass growth.

Compacted Soil:

Compacted soil can contribute to acidic conditions. If your soil is compacted and water drainage is poor, it may be a good idea to apply lime to improve soil structure and reduce acidity.

Slow Grass Growth:

Grass may exhibit slow growth or struggle to establish itself in acidic soil. Lime helps create a more favorable environment for root development and overall grass health.

The Pro-Mow Lime Application Service offers the following benefits.

Raising the pH level: If your soil is below the ideal PH zone and has turned sour, the calcium carbonate in lime can help neutralize your soil’s acidity. Lime is commonly sold as ground agricultural limestone. It is considered a natural soil amendment rather than a fertilizer and furnishes important plant nutrients such as calcium and magnesium. Lime also reduces soil toxicity while promoting the regulation of nutrients such as zinc, copper, and especially phosphorus. Attaining a soil PH reading of 7.0 (neutral) is ideal. A well-kept, green lawn is a source of pride for many homeowners, and it can also be a source of stress when your lawn starts to get patchy. One popular secret to lush, green, healthy grass is lime!

Lime Adds Necessary Nutrients: Lime can also cleanse the soil, removing toxicities and infusing the ground with essential nutrients. This often clears up common grass and turf issues, leading to a healthier and better-looking yard. Made of limestone or chalk, lime’s main component is calcium carbonate. It adds calcium and magnesium to the soil. The nutrients are important to preserve a lawn’s color and lushness, and they mitigate damage caused by drought, heat, or high traffic.

Lime Nourishes Essential Bacteria: Lime also can nourish beneficial bacteria in soil, especially when lime is used in combination with compost. Lime can be applied throughout the year but tends to be most effective in the winter since rain, snow and cold temperatures help work lime into the soil.


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