Hedge and Bush Trimming

Ready to Transform Your Landscape?

Tackling hedge and bush trimming on your own can be time-consuming and physically demanding. Let us handle the hard work while you enjoy the beauty of a perfectly manicured landscape without the hassle.

As members of the Northern Virginia community, we understand the unique needs of the region. Count on us to provide solutions that address the specific requirements of your shrubs and trees.

Experience the difference that expert hedge and bush trimming can make for your Northern Virginia property. Contact Pro-Mow Lawns today to schedule a consultation and discover how our professional services can elevate your outdoor space to new heights of beauty and sophistication.

Keeping your lawn and garden well-maintained not only enhances the curb appeal of your property but also increases its overall value. An essential piece of a good lawn maintenance program is regular hedge and bush trimming. Trimming and pruning helps control size, direct growth, make blooms more abundant, and generally promotes optimal health and appearance. From pruning hedges to trimming bushes and shrubs or cutting back anything from ornamental grasses to your favorite Crape Myrtles, hire the experts at Pro-Mow to leave you with a beautiful and inviting outdoor space you’ll love and enjoy!

When should I schedule a Hedge & Bush Trimming Service?

The time to prune is based on a tree or shrub’s flowering, fruiting, or growth habit. When in doubt, prune in early spring, but below are a few high-level guidelines on what to prune when.

  • Shrubs that flower before the end of June should be pruned immediately after they finish flowering. These include forsythia, azaleas, rhododendrons, and lilacs. 
  • Shrubs that flower in summer or autumn should be pruned in the winter or spring before new growth begins. Some of these include shrub roses, beautyberry, abelia, and rose of Sharon.
  • Shrubs that are grown for their ornamental fruits such as cotoneasters, pyracanthas, and viburnums should not be pruned until after their fruit drops.
  • Hollies and other evergreens can be pruned during the winter, after their branches have been enjoyed as part of your holiday decorations.
  • Non-flowering trees and shrubs, along with those that lose all their leaves at some point during the year (known as deciduous) are usually pruned during late winter into early spring. The Crape Myrtle is a good example of this type of tree.

Pruning is a great way to promote new growth and revitalize blooming for established trees and plants. Trimming and pruning are also great for getting unwanted branches or growth out of your bushes, hedges, and shrubs and to keep all your hedges looking neat and clean.

Regular pruning and trimming also gives your bushes and shrubs enough room to grow and spread, which is crucial for plants to survive. In the Northern Virginia area plants like Azaleas and Japanese Maple trees will grow into each other, resulting in mingled roots and trunks that can cut of needed air. Tangled messes can also occur above ground when plants aren’t given their needed room. Plants reach towards lights, and this can cause them to become an intertwined mess if not trimmed as needed. If your plants are growing together when they aren’t supposed to be, this can cause them to choke each other out, stop producing new growth, or even die.

Benefits of Hedge and Bush Trimming

Hedge & Bush FAQs

A: If requested, and if after the shrubs blooming season, we will be happy to include flowering shrubs in your hedge and bush trimming service. Note that shrubs having less than 10% of their blooms left intact will be considered viable for trimming.

A: Yes! Proper trimming promotes the health and vitality of your plants. Our expert trimming techniques encourage healthy growth, ensuring your hedges and bushes thrive year-round.

A: The frequency of trimming depends on the type of plants and their growth rate. Formal hedges may need trimming two to three times per year, while informal or flowering bushes may only require pruning once a year.

A: Our professionals have the right tools and know the right techniques to use when trimming your hedges and bushes. They know how to follow the natural growth pattern of the plant to ensure the right shape and size when finished.

A: Yes, your overgrown hedges and bushes can go through the process of renovation pruning, which selectively removes older, thicker branches to encourage new growth from the base.


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